Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Final Blog

Dear diary,

We've been rescued! We all thought that this day was never going to come, but I always had hope about it. I just wish that Piggy, Simon, and the mulberry-marked boy was here to see it. The naval officer came just in time because Jack and his hunters would've caught up to me and killed me. We all cried because that officer had reminded us of everything that we had lost when crashing on the island and it all of our emotions came rushing back. We are all on our way back to England, but I don’t know if some of us are ready to face the consequences of our actions on the island. Jack forced us all to kill Simon, Roger killed Piggy, Jack beat and threatened the twins and Wilfred, and even threatened to kill me. I don’t even think that I'm ready to face my parents and to see the look on their faces of the fact that they lost a son on the plane crash and another boy has been reborn. I'm not ready…

Hours later we land in England were immediately greeted by a huge crowd of people who are cheering and crying for our safe return. In the sea of unfamiliar faces, I noticed my parents and so did the rest of the boys. We all ran screaming to greet them with open arms, I was so happy to see them that I started to cry. Everyone got to see their parents all except for the 3 boys that died. There was a woman who said that she was looking for a short fat boy with thick glasses. I, sadly had to break the news that the boy she was talking about died on the island. She broke into tears, crying out Piggy's real name, Linus. I gave her a hug and walked on because I couldn't bear to watch her cry anymore since I couldn’t help him. I heard some other parents calling out for their son. Simon. I walked up to them with my head down in shame knowing that I was part of the reason that he was died. I built up all of my courage and told them that Simon was also killed on the island. They also broke down in tears, but they asked me how he died and I fell silent.

They asked me again but I still had no answer for them. Every bone in my body was saying "TELL THEM JACK KILLED HIM!!", but my head and heart were saying "Just tell the truth of what really happened that night." I decided to tell them the truth. They were in shock the entire time, until I was in shock because Simon's mother gave me a hug and said that she was sorry about what I had to go through on that horrible island. I walked away with a feeling of shame and a little bit of gratitude. I don't think I can stomach telling another parent that their child didn't make off of that miserable island. I walk back to go find my parents but I run into Jack instead. He tries to apologize for making all the boys want to kill me those couple of times, he doesn't know why he did all of those things. As I was about to say something to police officers came up behind me.

They grabbed Jack's arm and took him away and talked to him for a bit. Then they walked and Jack was on the ground just silent. I didn’t feel obligated to go over there and ask him what's wrong mainly because I hated him and didn’t really want to know, but I went over to him anyways. He told me that his family had gone out of a rescue ship to try and find him but the ship never returned. I feel as if he expected me to feel bad but I did, just no the way he wanted me to. My mom called my name and I walked off back home while sitting on my dad's shoulders just looking up at the gorgeous afternoon sky thinking of my fondest memories of Piggy and Simon.

Signing off for good,

     Ralph McCullen