Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell

Dear Diary,
          I'm Ralph, but I think you already know that since this is my journal. Right now, I am on an island with the other boys from the boarding school because our plane split in two and CRASHED! I miss my family, and my bed, and my food, and my home. I crash landed with this fat kid I know call Piggy and he told me that he has "ass-mar" but I don't know what that is though. He talks a lot for someone who really misses their family back home. Since we've been walking around FOREVER I found this pool-thingy and its really warm and deep and I can swim in it because my Daddy taught me.

         Piggy and I found a conch shell buried in the sand by the water on the beach and Piggy told me that its worth a lot of money back home. He told me to blow into it and it made a loud kind of trumpet/farting sound. It gathered all of the boys on the island from the crash to a meeting so  we can get an idea of how many survivors there are. A group of boys come out of the woods dressed in robs and dirt and their leader, Jack, called themselves "the choir boys". We all decided to elect a leader of all of us and they elected your truly; ME! Since Jack was mad that he wasn’t elected leader, I decided to make him and his choir boys the hunters and kill animals for food. Jack chooses one of his boys, Simon, to be the explorer of the island.

          Exploring the island was great, the boys assigned to be the explorers reached the end of the jungle where high sharp rocks point toward steep mountains. I thought that we had found our own new land of the island that we have never seen before. While we were looking around, there was a pig that was trapped in some vines and since Jack was the leader of the hunters, he was going to kill it, but he didn't. The pig managed to get away but Jack promised not to hesitate next time. Hope he keeps his promise.



  1. Very nice job! I like how descriptive and detailed you were. Nice job girl!!

  2. GOOD JOB!! You have an excellent entry here. You reminded me about an important event that went on in the book which was how the pig managed to get away from Jack.

  3. Breathtaking, you portrayed Ralph AMAZINGLY. You provided information on the major events. You truly sounded like him, when you mentioned how he hopes Jack keeps his promise it reminds me of how much hope he has for other. Truly great
