Thursday, March 23, 2017

D-Day Journal

                   William Golding was affected by being a part of D-Day by making question what drove the man that day to kill and massacre each other. He started to think about what makes man so evil and whether or not they were born that way or they just became that way because of the harsh war and the things they did in order to survive. He witnessed even the most innocent man kill for their country and the right of freedom for all peoples because no one deserves to be treated unfairly likely the innocent Jews were all because of a foolish idea that they started the Great Depression. I think that man was born with goodness and learns to be barbaric because it’s the influences of the cruel outside world that turns even the nicest people into possible killers. Although, some people can overcome this nature and really can do in this world and can be the people of change for others around the world.


  1. This post made me think. I agree with you on the fact that some people can overcome the evil nature of man kind, and I also agree that human beings can be evil.

  2. I agree with you Arielle that man is born with goodness and learn evilness.

  3. This post made me think a lot about how William Golding lived through D-Day and how terrible it was.

  4. The background makes it pop out more! Very professional.

  5. I agree with your last sentence, Great Job!!

  6. I really love your answer!! nice background also!!
