Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Conch Shell

          The conch shell in a way symbolizes the way the boys used to live back when they were living in England. When Ralph comes up with the rule that whoever has the shell can talk uninterrupted, it showed that they need some sort of "order" because chaos can cause problems. Even when the boys are happy about their freedom, they still choose a leader, just like in government and rules will lead to order. If the boys did not have structure, there will be disorder and no one will get off the island.


  1. I really like the picture it gives me a good sense of what a conch shell really looks like. you have explained very well keep up the great work

  2. You blog did certainly help me understand its symbolism. But your picture did not as it is just a basic image of a conch shell, at least I know what one looks like now. :)

  3. hey girl, this entry helped better my understanding of what the conch shell is used to symbolize. the picture is amazing and it improves the overall look of the post. the picture also helped me to understand what a conch shell is.

  4. Greatly done, you described how the conch shell is a symbol amazingly. The picture is very satisfying, especially since the background goes greatly with it. Continue with the good work!
