Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Final Blog

Dear diary,

We've been rescued! We all thought that this day was never going to come, but I always had hope about it. I just wish that Piggy, Simon, and the mulberry-marked boy was here to see it. The naval officer came just in time because Jack and his hunters would've caught up to me and killed me. We all cried because that officer had reminded us of everything that we had lost when crashing on the island and it all of our emotions came rushing back. We are all on our way back to England, but I don’t know if some of us are ready to face the consequences of our actions on the island. Jack forced us all to kill Simon, Roger killed Piggy, Jack beat and threatened the twins and Wilfred, and even threatened to kill me. I don’t even think that I'm ready to face my parents and to see the look on their faces of the fact that they lost a son on the plane crash and another boy has been reborn. I'm not ready…

Hours later we land in England were immediately greeted by a huge crowd of people who are cheering and crying for our safe return. In the sea of unfamiliar faces, I noticed my parents and so did the rest of the boys. We all ran screaming to greet them with open arms, I was so happy to see them that I started to cry. Everyone got to see their parents all except for the 3 boys that died. There was a woman who said that she was looking for a short fat boy with thick glasses. I, sadly had to break the news that the boy she was talking about died on the island. She broke into tears, crying out Piggy's real name, Linus. I gave her a hug and walked on because I couldn't bear to watch her cry anymore since I couldn’t help him. I heard some other parents calling out for their son. Simon. I walked up to them with my head down in shame knowing that I was part of the reason that he was died. I built up all of my courage and told them that Simon was also killed on the island. They also broke down in tears, but they asked me how he died and I fell silent.

They asked me again but I still had no answer for them. Every bone in my body was saying "TELL THEM JACK KILLED HIM!!", but my head and heart were saying "Just tell the truth of what really happened that night." I decided to tell them the truth. They were in shock the entire time, until I was in shock because Simon's mother gave me a hug and said that she was sorry about what I had to go through on that horrible island. I walked away with a feeling of shame and a little bit of gratitude. I don't think I can stomach telling another parent that their child didn't make off of that miserable island. I walk back to go find my parents but I run into Jack instead. He tries to apologize for making all the boys want to kill me those couple of times, he doesn't know why he did all of those things. As I was about to say something to police officers came up behind me.

They grabbed Jack's arm and took him away and talked to him for a bit. Then they walked and Jack was on the ground just silent. I didn’t feel obligated to go over there and ask him what's wrong mainly because I hated him and didn’t really want to know, but I went over to him anyways. He told me that his family had gone out of a rescue ship to try and find him but the ship never returned. I feel as if he expected me to feel bad but I did, just no the way he wanted me to. My mom called my name and I walked off back home while sitting on my dad's shoulders just looking up at the gorgeous afternoon sky thinking of my fondest memories of Piggy and Simon.

Signing off for good,

     Ralph McCullen

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Chapter 12: Cry of the Hunters

Dear diary,

I feel so empty… numb. My last and only friend is dead. All I did was run like a coward to hide in the Jungle leaving Piggy's body behind. Piggy was right, all civilization has been stripped from this island. As I'm running, I stumble across the pig's head, I don’t even remember getting this far away from Castle Rock. The head is nearly all skull, it reminds me of the once whit conch and in anger and disgust, I knock it down and take the stake as a weapon against Jack. Why did they kill you, Piggy? All you were just trying to do was making Jack and his boys listen and go back to civility. All you were trying to do was make us understand.

That night, I snuck down to the camp at Castle Rock and find Samneric standing guard at the entrance. They were kind enough to give me food but the refused to join me. They also told me about Jack plans on sending his entire tribe after me tomorrow, because I trust them I tell them where ill be hiding in hopes that they will lead Jack away from me. So I make a break for the thickets and decide to sleep there for the night. In the morning, I wake up to the sound of talking and torturing one of the twins to find out where I'm hiding. Several of the boys try to break into the thicket by rolling a boulder but it's too small and dense, so they try and fight their way through but I manage to fend them off. All of a sudden I smell smoke and realize that Jack is trying to smoke me out like I'm some kind of wild animal but he sets the jungle on fire in the process.

I gather all of my strength to abandon my hiding place and I fight my way past Jack and group of hunters. I'm trying to run as fast as I can whilst being chased by a group of body-painted warrior-boys wielding sharp wooden spears, I frantically try and find a place to hide. I end up on the beach, where I collapse of exhaustion, while the boys are close behind. I open my eyes and see a naval officer standing over me. He tells me that me that he saw the fire blazing from the jungle from his ship. Jack and his hunters come screaming in onto the beach and they all fall silent and still. He figures out what we were doing and he asks us why, us as English boys, have lost all rules of civilization in such a short time. As he is saying this, I feel an overwhelming rush of the knowledge of being rescued and is being rescued after coming so close to a violent death. I begin to sob, so do the other boys and the officer turns around so we can regain our composure. I can't believe we were rescued. I just wish that Piggy, Simon, and the boy with the mulberry birth mark were here to be rescued also. Rest in peace.



Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chapter 11: Castle Rock

Dear diary,

Nothing I do seems to be working, Jack and his hunters have stolen Piggy's glasses and now we can't make fire. Piggy suggests that I hold a meeting to discuss what we're going to do, when I blow the conch all the boys that haven't joined Jack have assembled. We decide to go to Castle Rock and try to make Jack and his boys see reason and civility, so I take the conch to Castle Rock.   When I get there, I encounter the armed guards and blow the conch, but the guards tell me to leave and they start to throw stones at us.

Jack and his hunters emerge from the forest, bringing along a dead pig. I feel this rush of anger and I can't help myself so I start to face off Jack. He commands us to leave his camp so I demand that he return Piggy's glasses, but he attacks me and we fight. I trying my hardest to make Jack understand how important it is to keep the signal fire so we can be rescued, but instead he orders that Samneric be tied up. Another even bigger spark of anger flashes within me and I lunge at Jack once more.


We fight for the second time. Piggy tries to shout over Jack and I fighting, trying to remind us of the importance of the rules that we had established when we first got here. In the mix of all of this, Roger shoves a massive rock down the mountainside at us. I hear the rock falling and luckily get out of the way in perfect time. Sadly, the massive rock strikes Piggy, shatters the conch, and knocks his off the mountainside where he falls to his death on the rock down below. Jack throws his spear at me and everyone else starts to do the same. I quickly escape to the jungle leaving Samneric to Jack. Piggy, I’m so sorry. You deserved better and I never even go the chance to find out what your real name is.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Chaoter 10: The Shell and The Glasses

Dear diary,

Ashamed… Disgusted… Murderers… Those are all the word that come to mind when I think of the unspeakable act that committed last night.  I feel… I don’t even have any words to explain about how I feel after what we did. Piggy tries to deny that fact the he too participated in this act of savagery, but he knows exactly what he did. None of us want to own up to what we did, I don’t think any of us will. So far it's only Piggy, Sam, Eric, and I left in our "tribe", everyone else has gone with Jack and are now headquartered at the Castle Rock, the mountain of the island. We all feel so alone. Just alone.

At castle rock, Jack's power is starting to get out of hand, he punished his boys for no apparent reason. He tied and beat up a boy named Wilfred and warns the boys to stay away from me and our small group of boys by saying that they're a danger to the tribe. What a jerk! Last night, we were all convinced that Simon was really the beast and Jack got everyone on the idea that the beast is capable of assuming any disguise. He wants al of his boys to be on guard all the time for the beast because he claims that it is never truly dead, such a tool.

While we were all peacefully sleeping, even though were all plague by nightmares because of what we did to Simon, Jack and his hunters come storming it. They badly beat us for no reason ALL FOR STUPID FIRE! We would've been willing to share it with them, even though they are just a group of monsters in the night. While they were attacking us, they stole Piggy's glasses and our only power to make fire for warmth and rescue. WHY JACK? WHAT HAVE YOU BECOME?


Monday, April 24, 2017

Chapter 9: A View to a Death

Dear diary,

I don’t know what to do anymore!! It looks like Jack is winning and I have no idea on how to stop him! I'm losing everything, even the power to be a leader and I don’t know what to do! Piggy and I go to the feast in hopes of trying to gain some control over some things and everyone is just laughing and eating the roasted pig. Jack is sitting like a king on a throne, face painted like a savage, shouting commands, and being waited on by boys acting as if they are his servants, WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS!?!?! After the grand meal, Jack has the nerve to ask my followers to join his tribe, and some of them accepted! That annoying Jack!

Good thing Mother Nature was on my side and it started to rain, Jack's tribe had no shelters to protect them from the rain. BRILLIANT! Jack orders his boys to dance as if that is supposed to make the rain stop, what a fool. Caught up in all the dancing and chanting we all slip into a frenzy and get swept away by the excitement. We reenact the hunting of the pig, until suddenly one of the boys sees a shadowy figure creep out of the forest. Little did we know, it was only Simon. We all start shouting that he's the beast and we start to tear him apart with our bear hands and teeth.

We couldn't stop, even if we wanted to, but it was already too late. He was trying to explain what had happened and remind us of who he is, he trips and plunges over the rocks onto the beach… and we kill him. In cold blood. Like savages. Wild beasts. The storm scares us all to shelter and the waves carry Simon's mangled body into the ocean. Poor Simon, he deserved better. We all ran off like cowards because there was something else floating away in the water and we were terrified. I cannot believe that we did that. Killed Simon.



Sunday, April 23, 2017

Chapter 8: Gift fof the Darkness

Dear diary,

I feel as if I am losing my power and hold on the rest of the boys and Jack is slowly starting to take hold of them. Since the news of the beast was confirmed, everyone is frightened by the fact that they were right. Jack calls for and emergency meeting of the boys with the conch and confirms the beast sightings and calls me, of all people, a coward! He also said that Jack should be the leader but the boys refuse to vote me out of power. Jack storms away and says that anyone who likes him can join in, that jerk Is just full himself! But I don’t know what to do anymore!! Simon says that we should return to the mountain and search for the beast but that other boys are way too afraid to do it. I DON KNOW WHAT TO DO!

Piggy tires to cheer me up by suggesting that we build a new signal fire on the beach rather than on the mountain, which makes me feel better because no one wants to get rescued more than me. We build the fire and some of the boys sneak away to Jack's group during the night and Piggy says that we're better off without deserters. On another side of the beach, Jack gathers a new tribe and declares himself the chief and they fall into a savage frenzy and kill a sow. Roger drives his spear through it, they cut off head and put it on a sharpened stake in the jungle as an offering to the beast. Since the head is dripping black blood down its teeth, the boys run away.

While Piggy and I discuss the deserters, Jack and his tribe steal burning sticks from the fire on the beach and Jack invites them to their feast. I could tell that some of the boys wanted to say yes because everyone in tired of eating fruit and want some meat. Simon slips away from the camp and returns to the jungle glade where he previously sat staring at the amazing beauty of the nature. He finds the sow's head impaled on the stake and sits alone starting at the head which is now smarming with flies. The sight mesmerizes him and to him the head seems to be coming to life, and the head speaks to him in the voice of the "Lord of the Flies", saying that Simon will never be able to escape him because of the lies within all human beings. Simon was so terrified that he passed out. I'm starting to get worried about whether or not we might survive.



Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees

Dear diary,

It's getting harder every day to be on this miserable island, my hair is getting longer by the hour, the days seem to last forever, I would do anything for a bath, and most of all I miss my parents! Since time seems to feel as if moving slower on the island and sometimes just like to look out at the vast expanse of water and just wonder why I seems to always be against us. Blocking our way of getting home. Home. Now an unfamiliar word to all of us. Simon say me and lifted my spirits enough to give me enough courage to get through the day.

That afternoon, Jack and his hunters found pig dropping and they decide to hunt the pig while they continue to search for the beast. I think that’s a good idea since we could all use a little fun and food since we've all been scared out of minds because we spotted the beast. This was the first time in a while that I was excited to do anything. My first time hunting, has a nice ring to it. We track the boar on a wild chase and when we finally find, I throw my spear but it glances of the boar’s snout. I finally marked my man ship!!! Jack was bleeding, but I didn’t care because I finally went hunting!

The boys decided to play a dangerous game were Robert was playing a boar and everyone was trying to kill the boar. They started to dance, chant and jab at Robert with their spears, I think that at one point they might've forgotten that it was only a game. They nearly killed Robert, he didn’t want to be a part of the game anymore that he suggested that they actually use a boar for the game next time. I don’t even recognize them anymore; they're becoming animals in the wild. Simon offers to tell Piggy and the Littluns that they're going to be back late at night. Roger, Jack and I continue to travel up the mountain but Jack goes ahead of us and climbs the summit. He told that he had seen monster but Roger and I had to make sure that he actually did se something. There it was, a terrifying specter, a large shadowy form with the shape of a giant ape, making a flapping noise in the breeze. We were all terrified and run down the summit back to the other boys! Ok… I think I'm starting to believe that there IS something living on the island with us. 
