Sunday, April 30, 2017

Chapter 12: Cry of the Hunters

Dear diary,

I feel so empty… numb. My last and only friend is dead. All I did was run like a coward to hide in the Jungle leaving Piggy's body behind. Piggy was right, all civilization has been stripped from this island. As I'm running, I stumble across the pig's head, I don’t even remember getting this far away from Castle Rock. The head is nearly all skull, it reminds me of the once whit conch and in anger and disgust, I knock it down and take the stake as a weapon against Jack. Why did they kill you, Piggy? All you were just trying to do was making Jack and his boys listen and go back to civility. All you were trying to do was make us understand.

That night, I snuck down to the camp at Castle Rock and find Samneric standing guard at the entrance. They were kind enough to give me food but the refused to join me. They also told me about Jack plans on sending his entire tribe after me tomorrow, because I trust them I tell them where ill be hiding in hopes that they will lead Jack away from me. So I make a break for the thickets and decide to sleep there for the night. In the morning, I wake up to the sound of talking and torturing one of the twins to find out where I'm hiding. Several of the boys try to break into the thicket by rolling a boulder but it's too small and dense, so they try and fight their way through but I manage to fend them off. All of a sudden I smell smoke and realize that Jack is trying to smoke me out like I'm some kind of wild animal but he sets the jungle on fire in the process.

I gather all of my strength to abandon my hiding place and I fight my way past Jack and group of hunters. I'm trying to run as fast as I can whilst being chased by a group of body-painted warrior-boys wielding sharp wooden spears, I frantically try and find a place to hide. I end up on the beach, where I collapse of exhaustion, while the boys are close behind. I open my eyes and see a naval officer standing over me. He tells me that me that he saw the fire blazing from the jungle from his ship. Jack and his hunters come screaming in onto the beach and they all fall silent and still. He figures out what we were doing and he asks us why, us as English boys, have lost all rules of civilization in such a short time. As he is saying this, I feel an overwhelming rush of the knowledge of being rescued and is being rescued after coming so close to a violent death. I begin to sob, so do the other boys and the officer turns around so we can regain our composure. I can't believe we were rescued. I just wish that Piggy, Simon, and the boy with the mulberry birth mark were here to be rescued also. Rest in peace.



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