Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chapter 11: Castle Rock

Dear diary,

Nothing I do seems to be working, Jack and his hunters have stolen Piggy's glasses and now we can't make fire. Piggy suggests that I hold a meeting to discuss what we're going to do, when I blow the conch all the boys that haven't joined Jack have assembled. We decide to go to Castle Rock and try to make Jack and his boys see reason and civility, so I take the conch to Castle Rock.   When I get there, I encounter the armed guards and blow the conch, but the guards tell me to leave and they start to throw stones at us.

Jack and his hunters emerge from the forest, bringing along a dead pig. I feel this rush of anger and I can't help myself so I start to face off Jack. He commands us to leave his camp so I demand that he return Piggy's glasses, but he attacks me and we fight. I trying my hardest to make Jack understand how important it is to keep the signal fire so we can be rescued, but instead he orders that Samneric be tied up. Another even bigger spark of anger flashes within me and I lunge at Jack once more.


We fight for the second time. Piggy tries to shout over Jack and I fighting, trying to remind us of the importance of the rules that we had established when we first got here. In the mix of all of this, Roger shoves a massive rock down the mountainside at us. I hear the rock falling and luckily get out of the way in perfect time. Sadly, the massive rock strikes Piggy, shatters the conch, and knocks his off the mountainside where he falls to his death on the rock down below. Jack throws his spear at me and everyone else starts to do the same. I quickly escape to the jungle leaving Samneric to Jack. Piggy, I’m so sorry. You deserved better and I never even go the chance to find out what your real name is.


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