Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Chaoter 10: The Shell and The Glasses

Dear diary,

Ashamed… Disgusted… Murderers… Those are all the word that come to mind when I think of the unspeakable act that committed last night.  I feel… I don’t even have any words to explain about how I feel after what we did. Piggy tries to deny that fact the he too participated in this act of savagery, but he knows exactly what he did. None of us want to own up to what we did, I don’t think any of us will. So far it's only Piggy, Sam, Eric, and I left in our "tribe", everyone else has gone with Jack and are now headquartered at the Castle Rock, the mountain of the island. We all feel so alone. Just alone.

At castle rock, Jack's power is starting to get out of hand, he punished his boys for no apparent reason. He tied and beat up a boy named Wilfred and warns the boys to stay away from me and our small group of boys by saying that they're a danger to the tribe. What a jerk! Last night, we were all convinced that Simon was really the beast and Jack got everyone on the idea that the beast is capable of assuming any disguise. He wants al of his boys to be on guard all the time for the beast because he claims that it is never truly dead, such a tool.

While we were all peacefully sleeping, even though were all plague by nightmares because of what we did to Simon, Jack and his hunters come storming it. They badly beat us for no reason ALL FOR STUPID FIRE! We would've been willing to share it with them, even though they are just a group of monsters in the night. While they were attacking us, they stole Piggy's glasses and our only power to make fire for warmth and rescue. WHY JACK? WHAT HAVE YOU BECOME?


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