Monday, April 3, 2017

Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain

Dear Diary,

Today started off good because I came up with a really good rule where anyone who wants to talk has to be holding the conch shell at the meetings. Eh, am I good or am I good? Piggy, annoying as he is, gets mad because we haven't tried to find a way of this island which makes all the boys scared and worried. That boy has such a big mouth that it's CRAZY! One of the younger boys, with a mulberry-colored mark on his face, started to talk about a snakelike thing he called "beastie" that he saw the night before. Which causes even more fear with everyone, so the older boys had to try and calm them down and make them believe that there is no monster on the island. They tell the younger boys that the mulberry-colored marked boy was just having a nightmare.

Another one of my great ideas were for some of the boys to go to the top of the mountain and start a signal fire for passing ships and planes. We left Piggy behind because he was being annoying and not liking my decision as chief, but he didn’t want to be left behind so he came with us. At first it was hard to build the fire because rubbing the 2 sticks together wasn't really helping, but we took Piggy's glasses and used them to magnify the sun and start the fire. He was pretty upset, but at least we got our signal fire going. The fire burned out easily and Piggy started to get mad because we weren't listening to what he was saying, we probably just used the wrong wood.
We tried to start a signal fire one more time but since there were younger kids running around acting crazy, so I put Piggy in charge of taking names and keeping track of them. When we started the fire, the fire got way out of hand and it nearly burned the entire island! When we called a meeting to make sure that everyone was ok, one of the younger boys was missing. I was really mad at Piggy because he only had one simple job and he failed, miserably. I just hope that he's not dead.


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