Sunday, April 9, 2017


The Fire:

In the Lord of the Flies the fire is the one thing that the boys use to signal passing ships and boat to let them know that someone lives there and may need to be rescued. Jack and his hunters are in charge of always keeping the fire burning just in case if there is a passing ship or plane, they will be rescued. Jack and hunter are in charge of always keeping the fire burning, more specifically, Sam and Eric. The fire symbolizes of hope of getting of the island and getting to see their families again. When the fire went out, all of the boys lost all hope of being saved and didn’t care whether or not they would be saved.


The Glasses:

The glasses originally belonged to Piggy. The glasses symbolize vision and thinking because when you think of glasses you immediately think of someone who is smart, like Piggy. Besides Piggy using them, Jack used them to start the fire for their rescue but they ended up broken after he slapped Piggy in the face and one of the lenses broke. 

The Face Paint:

The Hunters are the only ones that use the face paint, but Jack is the only one who really seem to be affected by the face paint. It symbolizes savagery because it masks the humanity within all of us and turns us into to some that is unrecognizable, even to ourselves. Jack was mostly effected by this change in character because before they crashed on the island he was a goody-two-shoes and now is a completely different kid. In a way to the boys the face paint makes them feel brave because they were all doing something that they wouldn't normally being doing back home. I guess the island really did effect the boys.

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