Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Chapter 6: Beast From Air

Dear diary,

It was late and everyone was tired, Simona and I carried the Littluns to the shelters before we go to sleep. Of course Sam and Eric have fallen asleep instead of watching the fire, but I don't think that there are going to be any passing planes in the night. Eventually, they wake up to tend the fire again, then they run back to the shelters claiming that they saw the beast in the trees. I call for an emergency meeting so everyone can hear what the twins are saying, they even said that the beast even assaulted them! Since a lot of the boys want all of this beast nonsense over with, they organize and expedition to search the island for monsters. They set out armed with wooden spears and leave Piggy and the Littluns behind.

I allow them to start a search because I want of this beast stuff to be over with and allowed Jack to be the leader of the search party. We walk along a thin path in the unknown into an unknown part of the wood that we have not been in before. There are son thin hills that are dotted with small caves, the other boys are afraid to search the caves but so I decide to go alone. While I am exploring the cave, by myself, I begin to regain my confidence and Jack also joins  me in the cave.

I feel as if Jack and I are slowly starting to get of the hot water in our friendship because we have been a little more time together. After we climb the hill, the boys begin to play and forget the whole reason why we are on the expedition. I start to get mad at them because we're supposed to be looking for the beast not be playing and that we must go back to the other mountain to rebuild the signal fire. I hate to have to be the tough guy, but if we want to catch the beast and get rescued, everyone is going to have to start listening to me.



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