Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Chapter 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair

Dear Diary,

It's me again, things are starting to get a little difficult on the island. The Littluns are still having nightmares about the "beastie" and since they aren't tall enough, they are eating the bad fruit from the trees since they are too short to reach the ripened ones. Two of the older boys, Roger and Maurice, are bullying the Littluns all for fun and games. Jack is being obsessed with killing a pig more and more every day that it's starting to make him go crazy. 
Today Piggy and I spotted smoke on the horizon, it was the first sign of rescue that we have seen ever since we crashed on this miserable island. We run to the top of the mountain to see that THE SIGNAL FIRE IS NOT SMOKING!! Sam and Eric left the fire unattended and died out!!! Jack and the hunters come back from their hunt and they manage to kill their first pig but the victory is VERY bittersweet.  Jack doesn’t even care that we missed our one chance at getting rescued and HE DOESN'T EVEN CARE!!

Jack, being the hot-head that he is, started to get mad at Piggy because he was mad at him for letting the fire die, so he hits Piggy and one of the lenses on his specs breaks! His glasses were our only way of starting the fire and now we only have one left. I'm so furious with Jack, that boy really needs to stop acting so crazy. We roast the pig and Jack refuses to give Piggy some for no reason, but Piggy stands up for himself. FINALLY! Simon, being generous as always shares his meat with Piggy. Jack and I are officially playing for opposite teams now.


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